WE MOVED...which is complete CHAOS (I DESPISE moving) but we are FINALLY at the place we get to call home for the next long while!!! It took 6 months to actually get our house built but the house designing, and lot finding has been over a year in the making! I still have to pinch myself that it is real! That we REALLY live here and that we aren't just visiting! It is only 3 miles from where we have been renting so for the last 6 months we have driven by and walked through almost daily! (I know we are crazy...but I TOTALLY recommend it if you are building because SO many little things come up that you notice and your builder might not or that you might want to change or add before it is too late!)
So now instead of just driving by every day, I actually get to drive HOME!!! It is SERIOUSLY our happy place!! EVERYTHING about it was thought out and planned JUST how we wanted it (with our budget in mind of course! ;)) It is DAKOTA friendly to the max and that is my FAVORITE part! Not ONE single step ANYWHERE!!! His shower is a DREAM! No more back breaking over a tub...just roll him right into the shower and stand and bathe him!
I don't have many pictures at the moment (although Zach has banned me from posting any...but not like he reads my blog anyways, so...;)) because for the last 2 weeks it has been a full force packing, moving, unpacking and cleaning of our rental!! There have been WAY too many late nights and early mornings now that school started. We have all been sick except for our healthy Dakota man (we all need to eat like him! ;))
There are still a few boxes that need going through and MUCH decorating to be done but for now we are just enjoying that we can function and live in this space! I'm not going to lie...building a house is A LOT of work...LOTS of decisions...and for this indecisive girl it maxed me out! I LOVE to decorate but all the decisions I had to make on the house have maxed me out for the moment and my mind needs a little break from any more decisions! ;)
We feel at home though! Everyone has been SO kind and welcoming and we look forward to ALL the memories that will be made here in this home...the good AND the bad...although I sure hope their are a lot less bad ones! ;)
Dakota Man started FIRST grade!!!
I still can't believe my little boy is a FIRST grader!! It is the weirdest thing but for some reason first grade was harder on me then KINDERGARTEN!! I was literally in tears the night before as I was getting him ready for bed!
As hard as summers are to keep Dakota entertained...I wasn't ready to let him leave ALL day! I was going to miss our morning runs together, his random smiles and laughs throughout the day, his sweet spirit in my home ALL day!!
BUT I knew school is a happy place for him and a place where he gets to not only learn and develop...BUT a place where he gets to share his light, touch lives, and fulfill his little mission on this earth!! I can't keep him to myself ALL the time...He has WAY too much to give! So I cried my own tears and then the next morning put on my big girl panties and sent him to school!!
He tried to make me feel better by not smiling when we got there so I wouldn't feel too bad that he wasn't going to miss me!

He didn't fool me though when the nurse sent me ALL of these pictures!!! (Having a nurse is the best because it lets you see a REAL glimpse of the day! ;))
I love that kid!!
Grammy brought him a first day of school surprise! He enjoyed it after school!
Navy is growing and changing EVERY day!!
I just looked at her little body that doesn't walk but RUNS everywhere and I wondered what happened to my baby!! She is still a tiny little thing for her age (less then 3% in height and weight!) but she is turning more and more into a toddler every day!!
I just LOVE her little legs in skinny jeans!!
She is as sweet as pie and gives hugs and kisses (especially when you give her food)! She has learned to sign (she won't say it) please! She says thank you like a minion...Tank Uuuu. Her little voice SERIOUSLY sounds like a minion every time she says it...the way she pronounces it and everything! Her other words are mommy, daddy, more, NO :), Kota, ball, dog, milk, banky/binky (sound the same), HI is most definitely her favorite, and I can't think of more at the moment but I know there are more. She is starting to repeat a lot of words you say to her.
She LOVES her blankies...ALL of them! And still says the sweetest little prayers! She folds her arms so perfectly like this and just rambles in a soft sweet little voice. Often times she is the one reminding me at meal time by just folding her arms and starting to pray!! She is a little sweetie!!
Navy and cousin Cord! Are they just the cutest together?!
As sweet as she TRULY is and may look in this picture...she is a wild child! She runs, dances HILARIOUSLY, throws a tantrum like it's nobody's business and then is over it in less then 30 seconds, she LOVES being outside and will escape as much as she can (we need grass...where is my landscaper?! ;)), she rides her little 4 wheeler like it's going out of style, and she is just a ball of energy...everywhere and into EVERYTHING!! Church is a bit rough at the moment! ;)
She would be more then happy to play in the dirt ALL day long if you let her!
She loves her dolls but also loves tractors! ;) She got that from her brother!
You can't tell by how tiny she is but she LOVES to eat...healthy and unhealthy! ;)
She is still THE FRIENDLIEST little thing on the planet! She doesn't reach out to go to strangers anymore but she says HI to EVERYONE in this cutest, highest, enthusiastic pitch. HI-EEE! I LOVE watching people's reactions because it surprises them every time! They are like...is she talking to me?! And then she just keeps saying it over and over again!! I love how happy it makes people! She is just the brightest little light! I get so many comments from people about how happy she is. The funniest is when she says it to little kids. Just yesterday her and a little boy were like a broken record saying hi to each other back and forth even when they couldn't see each other anymore. They were shouting hi from all the way across the store!! We love her!!
The best thing of EVERYTHING...is over these past couple months their is this connection that is forming between Dakota and Navy like never before and it makes my mommy heart want to jump for joy!!
I knew this day would come, at least I hoped it would...where they would bring each other joy and comfort. Lately, Dakota lights up more then he ever has at the sight of Navy. She makes him smile more and more often.
She not longer ignores him but she is SO aware of him and will come over and tickle his feet when he is in his chair, kiss his head when he is laying on the ground, or even climb right on top of him and ride him and make horse noises as she goes.

If she hears Dakota cry in his room she looks up, makes a gasp, says Kota, and runs to his door! She lights up when he comes home from school, and she tries to help me more and more with his cares...brushing his teeth, wiping his face, or starting his feeds.
Just the other day we were out for a bike ride. Navy was riding her 4 wheeler but it was too slow so she jumped off and ran to his bike and just wanted to push!! It was heavy but her little body worked so hard!
Her face says it all...as does Dakota's! ;)
Although neither of them can say it in words...their is a love growing between them and I hope and pray it grows stronger EVERY day!

Just a random moment where Navy was LOVING on him without ANY prompting!! Melt my heart!!
Oh how they both NEED each other! Dakota can teach Navy things that I could only dream of and Navy can bring Dakota joy only a sister can give!!
My heart is SOOO full right now and I feel a little guilty! As the recent news of my friends cancer was announced, our new neighbor who just lost her husband, friends who are trying and trying to have a child with no success, watching those I love dear go through divorces and battle addictions, watching some of my heroes like Mckindree battle EVERY day with her transplant, seeing other friends who are fighting with their children in the hospital EVERY day, hearing accidents of another child almost daily on the news...I feel guilty that things in my life are calm, because I have been in the storm and I know how dark and difficult each day is!! I don't take ALL of these blessings for granted! I know we will each go through our highs and lows and I am not naive AT ALL to think that things will always be this good! But for this moment I will continually count my many blessings and thank my Heavenly Father for these happiest of days...and then I will go and do my very best to help lighten the load of someone else today...that they may have the strength to get through their storm and find THEIR rainbow waiting for them at the end!!
As much as we would like, we can't take away others pains and trials...they are theirs to experience, learn and grow from BUT we can help lighten their load and help them carry their burdens by loving, serving, and being there for them through it all. As many times as I prayed for Heavenly Father to give me a miracle...to heal my boys and take away my burdens (too many to count!) I can honestly say I am grateful he did not! I didn't know it at the time but He knew what I needed. He knew it would take me a lot of sleepless nights, pillows wet with tears, and time on my knees to learn the things that I needed to learn. If I hadn't had my turn in the storm I wouldn't be able to fully appreciate THESE tender miracles and blessings I am experiencing RIGHT NOW!! I know for a fact that the greater the pain that we feel...the greater our ability is to feel JOY!! I know it because I am experiencing it!! My life is still VERY hard, BUT I feel a greater sense of peace and happiness then I EVER have in my WHOLE life!! THAT IS MY MIRACLE!!
May we all take the time to look outside of our own little worlds and lift someone in need TODAY!! May we be the hands that help lift the weary....giving them strength and hope to make it through another day!! How grateful I am for all of the angels in my life that NEVER let me give up...that carried me when I was down and gave me the strength to endure!!
I am so happy you're in your house & that it is Dakota-ized! I can't even imagine how much easier bathing him is. You're a rockstar.
ReplyDeleteThat picture of D & Navy - he's in a cute checkered shirt and she's sitting on him ... His smile. Oh his smile!!
You are amazing! That's so great you were able to build a house custom to your needs. I hope you have many happy memories made there!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the information, I love the way you expressed, It was so interesting. I will keep you follow. Please share more regularly !!
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Mẫu nhà ống cực chất Comfortable, comfortable, cheap house, free consultation, meet all needs
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Thanks, very good
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Thanks, very good
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Thanks, very good
ReplyDeletePhòng khám nam khoa Kim Mã
Bảng hiệu quảng cáo rất đa dạng về chất liệu, kiểu dáng, màu sắc, có thể kể đến như là bảng hiệu mica, bảng hiệu alu, bảng hiệu đèn led, bảng hiệu hiflex… Mỗi loại bảng hiệu lại phù hợp với từng địa điểm, nhu cầu khác nhau. Để biết được mình đang cần loại bảng hiệu nào, hãy liên hệ với công ty quảng cáo Đại Phát chúng tôi để được tư vấn tốt nhất.
ReplyDeleteCông ty chúng tôi là đơn vị chuyên thiết kế các loại bảng hiệu quảng cáo đẹp, phong cách, giá rẻ nhất địa bàn thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. Với kinh nghiệm cùng nhiệt huyết muốn đem lại cho bạn một dịch vụ tốt nhất, chúng tôi sẽ luôn không ngừng học hỏi, sáng tạo, đam mê.
Công ty Quảng Cáo Đại Phát chuyên nhận thi công:
làm bảng hiệu alu
làm hộp đèn quảng cáo
làm biển quảng cáo led
làm bảng hiệu tphcm
bảng hiệu mica
bảng hiệu quảng cáo
biển hiệu quảng cáo
Biển hiệu cửa hàng
bảng hiệu quảng cáo đẹp
bảng hiệu quảng cáo đẹp
bảng hiệu đẹp
bảng hiệu hộp đèn
bảng hiệu hộp đèn đẹp
bảng hiệu alu
bảng hiệu đèn led
bảng hiệu đèn led giá rẻ
hộp đèn quảng cáo đẹp
Hướng dẫn cách massage dương vật đúng cách giúp tăng kích thước và kéo dài thời gian quan hệ
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- Băng ngọc thủy tảo có nhiều màu sắc khác nhau, vì thế trong phong thủy chúng không hề kén mệnh
+ Với người mệnh Hoả : Băng ngọc thuỷ tảo giúp chủ nhân được nhiều người yêu mến trong giao tiếp , bảo vệ chủ nhân chống lại kẻ xấu , xua tan đi phiền muộn , giảm tính nóng , cải thiện tình trạng huyết áp cao , và máu tim suy .
+ Với người mệnh Thổ : băng ngọc thuỷ tảo nó như lá bùa hộ thân , giúp tránh được sự rắc rối cho chủ nhân , mang đến sự hạnh phúc và năng lượng tích cực cho bạn.
+ Với người mệnh Kim : băng ngọc thuỷ tảo giúp chủ nhân được gặp quý nhân , cải thiện ho lâu ngày , bệnh về vòng họng , giảm co giật , chống lại sự sợ hãi , chống nhiễm khuẩn . mang đến niềm vui trong cuộc sống và tăng trí tuệ cho bạn .
+ Với người mệnh Thuỷ : băng ngọc thuỷ tảo giúp bạn thoát khỏi sự đau khổ trong tình yêu , mang đến cho bạn những người tốt , cải thiện tình trạng đau lưng, ngăn ngừa tình trạng nhanh quên , giúp kích hoạt tài lộc .
+ Với người mệnh Mộc :giúp đưa chủ nhân đến sự may mắn , giúp cân bằng âm dương trong cơ thể , cải thiện gan hỏa vượng , trường thọ và lưu thông máu huyết , trong kinh doanh băng ngọc thuỷ tảo giúp chủ nhân thu hút tiền tài.